desktop app store
Windows app store
Provides support for desktop (one device size, 1366*768). The default frame is SURFACE BOOK. If you choose to use the app market frame in the settings, all borders will be automatically replaced with SURFACE BOOK when the project is exported.
MAC App Store
Provides desktop (three device sizes, 1280*800, 2560*1600, 2880*1800) support. The default frame is MACBOOK 13. If you choose to use the app market frame in the settings, the project will be exported. All borders automatically replaced with MACBOOK 13
Huawei App Store
Provides support for desktop (one device size, 800*450). The default frame is SURFACE BOOK. If you choose to use the app market frame in the settings, all borders will be automatically replaced with SURFACE BOOK when the project is exported.
Lenovo App Store
Provides support for desktop (one device size, 1366*768). The default frame is SURFACE BOOK. If you choose to use the app market frame in the settings, all borders will be automatically replaced with SURFACE BOOK when the project is exported.