Here you can find some frequently asked questions about Moshow that users are most concerned about, including frequently asked questions during use, frequently asked questions about Moshow subscription upgrades, and our support and services. If you can't find your question here, please checkMocshow Document

Product usage issues

Some common problems encountered in the process of using Mocshow are mainly focused on troubleshooting. If you need more comprehensive help in using it, you can check Mocshow documentation and video tutorials or follow some Mocshow software tutorials. tutor.

If the above situation suddenly occurs during normal use of the product, it may be that the memory of the mobile phone or desktop computer is too large. There are two ways to solve this problem, which will not cause loss of your design under any circumstances.

method one:Force quit the app and develop again

Method Two: You can extend the time to generate images from the default 1 second to 2-3 seconds in Settings > Project

You can design projects between different devices through the import and export function, which is especially beneficial for mobile or tablet screenshots. Direct screenshots can be output directly to the project.

Export: Select Export in the project menu

Export: On the desktop version, select the imported Mocshow project in the file, and on the mobile version, add the imported Mocshow project in the add menu in the upper right corner.

Mocshow provides 5 output groups by default, including a neutral output group. No matter what mobile phone frame design screenshot project you use, neutral screenshot materials will be output. You can also switch between different neutral outputs during output. frame

service and support

In addition to the frequently asked questions about using Mocshow products on this website, you can also get more collections of frequently asked questions about using products in the software and APP help modules. You can also get a summary of some problems users have with using Mocshow through Mocshow related forums.

Upgrade and payment issues:

Understand the issues related to Mocshow user registration and issues related to Mocshow upgraded subscription version and flagship version, enterprise users, invoices, etc. If you want to know more about Mocshow versions, please visit Mocshowshow price.

If you only occasionally use or maintain individual APP screenshots, the free version is powerful enough to allow you to create high-quality software APP previews.

Of course you can! Depending on the size of your company, you can always adjust your subscription to accommodate your company's growth

If you purchased in the app market, please refer to the relevant policies of the app market. If you paid via WeChat or other methods, you can contact our customer service within three days after ordering for a refund.

Currently we do not support electronic invoices. Enterprise users can contact our customer service to request invoices manually.

All our paid products support multiple platforms, and after paying for one platform, you don't need to pay again for another platform.

The same account supports single login on different devices, such as mobile phones and computers at the same time, but multiple logins with the same account on the same type of device are not allowed.

In principle, one account can only be used by one user. If you want to purchase multiple accounts at one time, please contact our customer service staff.

service and support:

Understand the principles and methods of our services and product support, how to obtain product services, how to automatically update products, and check product logs to obtain product update records

We provide different service supports for free version and paid version users. These services can basically summarize the problems you encounter when using Mocshow products.

Free version: Provide community support. You can get answers by checking the frequently asked questions in the Mocshow APP, or you can directly consult the instructors of the Mocshow tutorial to ask questions through the online live broadcast platform.

Paid version:Including subscription version and flagship version, in addition to all the support provided by the free version, we also support email service support and telephone support, and provide one-to-one special support for large corporate group customers.

All Mocshow users can receive free product updates and upgrade support.

Desktop version: You can turn on automatic updates in the software, or get the latest version prompts through the help menu "Check New Version"

Mocshow FAQ

Mobile version: For the mobile version, you can turn on automatic updates in settings or check for updates in the app store and download them automatically.

If you'd like specific details on product updates, you can visitChange logGet details

Please refer to the contact us content in the lower right corner of the page

More FAQs

In APP Mocshow FAQ

If you want to get more frequently asked questions about product use, you are welcome to download and use it or visitMocshow Baidu Encyclopedia!